The Web sites below offer additional information relating to the topic of teen driving safety.

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
  Information and educational materials that promote good traffic safety practices.
AAA of NY Site for Teen Driving
  Driver training, community programs, traffic safety programs, and more.
Child Development Institute
  Materials such as books, tapes, games, and computer software available to parents for parent education and to provide self-help for children and teenagers.
Federal Highway Administration on Road Safety
  U. S. Department of Transportation news, programs, and legislation.
National Highway Transportation Administration
  Traffic safety programs, grants, research, and publications.
NYS Department of Motor Vehicles
  Official site of the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.
Online Driver's Education Course
  Driver education materials help teens learn all about the basics of driving, including the laws of the road, how to deal with different driving conditions, how to react in emergencies, and everything they need to know about why they should never drive under the influence of alcohol and drugs
Power to the Parent
  Power To The Parent helps Westchester parents learn how to keep teens safe from alcohol and other drugs.
Resources for the Younger Driver
  Content geared toward the younger driver on the New York State DMV Web site.
Students Against Destructive Decisions
  Founded as Students Against Drunk Driving, this site helps students make positive decisions about challenges in their everyday lives.
Teen Central
  Anonymous helpline for teens.
The Partnership at Drug
  By bringing together renowned scientists, parent experts, and communications professionals, The Partnership at translates the science of teen drug use and addiction for families., offers a wealth of information, tools, and opportunities to help prevent and get help for drug and alcohol abuse by teens and young adults.